The Master Degree of Bullshit Part 1

As a seasoned businessman with almost two decades of experience in managing and creating workforces across different countries, languages, and circumstances, I have seen it all. My name is Gian Paolo Aliatis and I can confidently say that I have learned a lot about running a business, from employment to recruitment and training.

Now, let's talk about university education. As a young and clueless graduate, I obtained my bachelor's degree and MBA, but looking back, I realized that everything I learned could have been condensed into just one year. So, if you're looking to have fun, go ahead and pursue a university degree. But if you want to learn and prepare for your future profession, I suggest focusing on just one year of specialized training.

And here's the thing - having a master's degree doesn't necessarily mean that you're a master in your field. In fact, I have met many people with master's degrees who have learned almost nothing and couldn't even follow basic instructions or understand basic concepts in their profession. It's outrageous how many people are awarded master's degrees despite their lack of knowledge and skill.

But I don't entirely blame these people. The universities and professors should be held accountable as well. Universities should not be giving away master's degrees to people who have no idea what they're doing, not to even mention the questionable tactics some students use to obtain their degrees. 

As for the professors, if they only have expertise in theory in the university environment and have never been in the practical business world, how can they expect to prepare students for the real world? A professor's job is to mentor and guide students through their careers, but in my experience, many of them don't do this. I remember some of my professors who had no idea what they were talking about and didn't care about their students at all.

Not every professor is good at what they do, and they don't realize the impact they have on their students' thinking and mindset towards shaping their future. That's why having a good mentor and guide is crucial in making a big decision like choosing a career path.

Having a master's degree doesn't automatically make you a master in your field. It's up to the universities and professors to ensure that students are equipped with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in the real world. As a businessman, I can attest to the importance of practical experience and mentorship in shaping a successful career.

In the next blog, I reflect on my experiences in recruiting graduate students.

See you there,

Gian Paolo Aliatis